First, you'll want to thaw out the boudin balls. We suggest opening the bag and setting them on the counter for 20 minutes. This should allow them to thaw some. While they are thawing out, you will want to preheat you're oil to 350F - you'll be frying these until they are a beautiful golden brown. Once the oil is hot and the boudin balls have thawed, you should carefully drop the boudin balls in. They should fry for 6 minutes or until the get that nice golden brown color we mentioned earlier. Once they are finished frying, remove the boudin balls and set them on a plate to cool. We suggest covering this plate with a paper towel or two to absorb some of the oil.
Cooking our boudin egg rolls is a similar process. You do not need to thaw these out. Like before, preheat your oil to 350F, and once it has reached that temperature you can drop the boudin egg rolls in. They should cook for 7-8 minutes, or until golden brown. Once they are done frying, remove the boudin egg rolls and set them on a plate to cool.
See, that wasn't so tough, was it? Let us know how yours come out!
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